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Friday, August 26, 2016

Motherhood is so much more than what you think

I keep going to write this blog and apparently its just not righy each time as i keep not saving it on accident. That is part of motherhood I suppose.
Anyways, i read so many post daily from mothers complaining or frustrated with their kids and or the kids father when it comes to life. Being a mom has the same responsibilities and rewards and sacrifies whether you are single, married or whatever. Im not talking about dished or laundry or whatever.
As a mother it is you responsibilty to raise and love and dicipline your children.
Being a mother meanns waking up at 6 to get the kids ready for school even though you were up til 2 am with a baby with a upset tummy.
Being a mother means dicplining your child for things that make you laugh.
Being a mother means getting ugly stares as your child rolls on the ground in tantrum mode. But you want to prove a point.
Being a mother means laying a blanket over pee as your child never even woke from slumbet as they peed on you.
Being a mother means cleaning up vomit at 3 am while trying to hold the bucked to prevent more vomit covered carpet or blankets or clothes or well anything really.
Being a mother means wrangling a what feels like a 8 legged octopus to take a bath and wash it's hair.
Being a mother is repeating phrases like "please dont eat that"  or "stop licking that"
Being a mother is parent teacher conferences. Sometimes simply explaining your child pulled his pants down and peed on the playground.
Being a mother is learning to let them grow and learn on their own.
Being a mother means finally giving up and hoping the dog food that the baby ate had some nutritional value, While you clean the mess up.
Being a mother means sometimes hearing "i hate you" or "you are a mean mommy" or my favorite "i wish you had a penis and were my second daddy and not my mommy" yup heard that one.
Being a mother means staying up with a crying baby, toddler or child.
Being a mother is walking through target with princess Elsa or batman.
Being a mother means you get to see smiles and giggles and laughs.
Being a mother means you get hugs and kisses and i love yous.
Being a mother is making mistakes.
Being a mothet means you become a mombie. And im not convienced that ever goes away. There isnt enough coffee.
My point is being a mother means being there for your kids. When they need you. Though the good the bad and the ugly. There is nothing that will bring back these days. They will grow up they will become adults. And there is nothing that can be done.
So whether you have a husband or are single or have a good father for your children, remeber we are all in this together. Being a mother is hard. It is stressful and you will mess up. Probably horribly. But just be there. Be there for your kids. Support them, dicipline them but most of all love them. Be there safe place. Be there home. Because in the end. That is what matters.
Childhood is short. Take advantage of being apart of it. Yelling and screaming and stressing over your kids wont make it easier or benefit you, as a mother or your kids.
Love them and rember that being a mother is just that being, be a mother.

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