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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Being a parent is hard. Decisions. Decisions.

As parents we make so many choices for our children. We stress and worry if what we said or do with hurt them in the future. The topics go from breastfeeding, cloth diapers, carseats, school, chores, spanking, timeouts, diets and so on. 
As a family the breasfeeding comes up a lot since Hadley is still breastfeeding and is over 2 yrs. For the record. We are self weaning. She will stop when she is ready.
But an even bigger issue has been our diet. Hayden has a milk protein issue so we use almond/ coconut milk. Then we learned how bad cows milk is and then it opened a new door for our lives. We soon stoped cokes and processed food. That was great for our family and even helped calm hayden down. Crazy right? No,  not crazy, research showed that was common. So then we decided no more gluten and well that has changed out lives more than  we could even imagine. Hayden has calmed so much. He is focused and more interested in following through with projects. Shoot he even colored in the lines at church instead of scribbling just to be done.
So happy this change has been such a blessing. And we are only 90% gluten free and no processed foods.
With this we have been able to sit down and reevaluate a lot about our parenting and lifestyle. We realized we have been yelling alot. Way more than we ever thought or wanted to. So we have have decided, no more yelling. None at all.  We are working on listening and explaining. We still do thinking spots. But yelling is no more.
The main reason this even came up was the other day Hayden spilt his milk and freaked out yelling " I'm so sorry mommy, im so sorry" i was speechless for a second then said " its ok baby let's just clean it up" I could not believe my son was afraid to spill milk. What kind of mom am I that my son was afraid to spill milk.  I never thought I yelled or got mad about things that can be fixed or corrected.  So now I am taking a breath and talking to myself before I respond to an incident. And others around my kids we are expecting the same. My kids will learn consequences for their actions. But that is cleaning up the mess or a thinking spot  and a talking to, not being yelled at. We yell no more. Needless to say our household has been calmer and more peaceful these days. Glad I was able to learn from my mistakes. Thats the best part about being a parent, you can correct your mistakes with parenting. What's the saying? Know better.  Do better. ♥

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