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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Normalizing Breastfeeding is something I have a conviction with

I have breastfeed the better half of the the last 10 years of my life. I have heard every excuse not to breastfeed. I have heard every reason why a woman should pump for public feedings or pump after age 1, or 2 or 3. I have had people place blankets over me in the middle of August with a screaming baby. I have had family  and friends express their discontent with many of my choices  that revolve around breastfeeding and my choice to be openly public about it.
I want to say I can understand the modest approach  to breastfeeding. I can understand discretion when It comes to breastfeeding. I can even do my best to respect those that feel a woman should cover.
I won't and will never again pump and make a bottle to appease someone. But I can wear 2 shirts and attempt a cover  while nursing. But if my child is fussynor crying and needs to eat and isn't having any of that, then ypur comfort  is the least of my concerns. Period.
As for pictures, I share my breastfeeding journey for many reasons. One being as simple as I personally find it a beautiful bond and I do not see it as a private bond or a private moment. That's just me. Baby is eating and nursing the way God intended and using my breast for what they are designed for. It is beautiful. 
But I will tell you.  The main reason I share pics and stories is I know for a fact how much hearing and seeing another woman succeed can help inspire and give courage.
I failed my oldest when it comes to breastfeeding.  I have up at 5 months. It was so much work. I couldn't leave the house  unless I had enough bottles. I couldn't breastfeed in public cause people's glares or comment. Including my families. It eventually became a task that wore me down.
And I gave up.
I gave up because breastfeeding isnt normalized. I gave up because inwas told men cant control themselves and its my job to protecr then from possibly seeing a nip.
I had options  that were easier and I choose them.
No here comes hadley. I had another choices.  Formula was not an option. One reason money. One reason stubborn Hadley  refused  a bottle of even pumped milk. Never mind I never responded to a pump with her.
So I i
Learned discretion for my husband's benefit. I did my best. But if you have never nursed a strong willed infant. Count your sanity pieces. Cause you have more than I do.
But anyways. As my journey with Hadley  continued i recieved messages of hope and inspiration that i was giving other woman during their journey. I gave woman confidence to continue breastfeeding or to leave their house.
So since Hadley I have be convicted to share my journey. To help mother's. To make breastfeeding normal. We need to teach out boys and men to be respectful. And to not sexualized a woman with a baby on her breast.  We need to make  pur men be held accountable  if they decide to be derogatory  or have inappropriate feelings about seeing a baby on a breast. That is not the baby not the mother's concern.
They only thing a baby has to worry about is nursing and a mother only shpuld be concerned  with latch and nursing her baby.
There are so many other issues with breastfeeding that need to be addressed.
But a mother sharing a breastfeeding pic should not be a reason to have your  panties in a wad. If you want to be involved in they nursing matter of a household here are some things that are appropriate.
Do you need more water?
Have you are recently?
Do you need anything?
If mom is struggling ask
Do you need help with the hold?
How is babes latch? Getting better?
Do you need anything?
Never ask her cover  up.
Never as her to go to another room.
Never ask her to be more discrete.
Never ask her to remove pics she loves.
And don't use religion to make your opinion seem more valid. Breastfeeding  is not mentioned in the Bible to be hidden.
Yes modesty is but look at this.
1 Peter 3:3-4 – “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”
Ok so be modest.
But here is this
1 Peter 2:12 – “Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world.”

1 Samuel 16:7 – “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

Yes men and people of this world mat view breast as sexual. But God is not of this world. And No breastfeeding mother is doing it for attention. Not ever.

It comes to a matter of the heart. And darlings my heart is has pure intentions when feeding my baby.

Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

1John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Modesty is about my intent which is judged by the Lord. Not by you.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Should we fear God?

We are taught at an early age to fear God. You know the phrase, ill put the fear of God in you. But should we really fear God? He doesnt punish us. He as unconditional love for us. And forgives us no matter how many times we mess up. And that revolves around love, not fear.
You cant earn God's favor more by following a religious secs rules. That mindset leads us to trying to be better than others or feeling less than. And thats the devil whispering in our ears. In Romans 3:21-31 explains that we all fall sbort and we all recieve grace that is through the the redemption that is Jesus Christ.
These mindsets of trying to earn God's favor leave us falling short and then lead to giving up as we will never be good enough. That causes fear and anxiety and depression.
Friends we all fall short. That is why Jesus died. Accepting that he died for you before yu ever exist is acceptimg unconditional love from a father that doesnt punish us. And has already forgiven us. John 14:6 says Christ ia the only way to his father. For this very reason.
Should be strive to be Christ like? Yes. But we have to know we are not perfect and thats ok. Just strive everyday to do and be better. God created us. He knows us. Ans once we accept this we can start living Christ like because we want to. Not because we are afraid if being repramanded for a mistake we have or may make.
Ephesians 2:8-9  (NKJV)
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
We all can recieve grace by accepting what Jesus did for us.

We dont need to fear God. We can find rest in Jesus.

2 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV

21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

1 Peter 2:24 KJV

24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

God is love. And to know lovw is to know God.
And in perfect love their is no fear.

1 John 4:18 KJV

18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Why do we as society judge constantly.

With the peak of social media everything most do is under a microscope. When baby jessica fell in the well. We came together and prayed for the family and aided them. Now if a child is hurt or missing society imediately pointsbout evey flaw you have to prove itnwas your fault. Being a parent is hard enough without bystanders judging every move you make.
There are so many decisions involved with raising children. From simple ones like what their first food should be to what age to start food to vaccines to circumsision to dicipline and so much more.
I think we all can agree that doing your owm research is vital. Statistics are great. Facts are eveb better. But children are NOT a one size fits all.
I have evolved so much as a parent. I became a mom almost 10 years ago. And I made choices with him i didnt with the middle child and havent with the youngest. For example my oldest is circumsized. My youngest is not. We statered solids as 4 months with my oldest and it was a fruit. My middle child started at 4 months with veggies. And here we are with the youngest and he hasnt had purees and probably never will and he is almost 6 months.
Even with carseats, oh i have adjusted with mew studies. My oldest it was a milestone at 1 year of age to turn forward facing. So wonderfully exciting. My middle rearfaced till she was 3 and harnessed till 5 and still randonly at age 7. My youngest will rearface til he drives. Just kidding.
My point is their best interest is what i have going on. I could give so many more examples to the differences between my children. As I have aged and grown with my children. My love for my oldest is the same for the other 2. I always do what i feel is best for them.
Some things havent changed. Such as i co sleep. It makes my life easier. I could never do CIO. But thats me. Thats my kids. I breaatfeed. All 3. I wanted to as long as I could. My oldest I feel i failed him. I gave up at 5 months when it got hard and i went to work. My middle weaned at 3.6 years old. And my youngest will wean when he is ready. I forced my oldest to use a bottle as well as breast cause i thought he had to. My middle child never had a bottle. And the baby will look at you like you are crazy.
Now i am rambling. But my point comes down to this. You do not have to like a choice mother makes. And you do not have the right to tell her she is wrong. If safety is an issue share facts and studies. But do not belittle or make a mother feel bad for choices she makes. As every child is different.
Respect for each other will get us far. Being a mother is hard. Its stressful. Im just winging it honestly. I have experience and research but i am honestly winging it. My parenting changes daily.
Our babies are only little for so long. Hold them and love them. And stop worrying about what others think or feel. Do what is best for you and your babies. <3

Monday, January 15, 2018

Sometimes being a mom means making hard decisions

Anyone that knows us knows we currently homeschool Hayden. And you know it is because in first grade he was not focusing and wouldnt sit still or comeplete his assignments and in return he was talkative and distruptive. He started crying about going to school and i did not like my 6 year old feeling that way about school. It was suppose to still be fun and exciting. So we pulled him.
If you know us you also know Hayden had always had ADHD tendencies. We have done oils, necklaces, calming magnessium, ADHD necklace, diet change, you know the whole shabang. Each one had its own benefit and helped its own way. Whether for a short time or a long time or whatever the case was.
Homeschooling allowed him to walk around, take breaks as needed, go at his own pace.
Im writting this cause over the last few months things have been taking a different direction. All I seemed to be doing was yelling, spanking or asking Hayden "why?" Or "what were you thinking?"  We have got to were we both are annoyed and aggrivated with one another.
Together Hayden and I agreed we needed outside help and that he wanted to go back to public school. We went to tricounty and have seen a psychiatrist. We have decided on behavior therapy and medication therapy.
Medication was never an option in my head. But you see in the last few years i have been medicating for anxiety and depression after trying to maintain it myself and i couldnt. How could i expect Hayden to do the same. Someone asked me if I would deny him glasses if he needed it and that gave me an 'ah ha' moment. In that moment God answered my prayers on what to do next.
So, Hayden has now been formally ADHD diagnosed. And will start behavior therapy next week and started medication thereapy today. Today because he asked to. He heard the doctor explain what the medicine does and that excits him. He is ready for this next chapter as much as I am. And yall Hayden is an amazing kid. And now with the right tools in his hands he is going to do amazing things. He is going to change lives. He is an child of God and now with these tools God has given him he will conquer so much.
I am still nervous and anxious. I cant lie and say I am not.  But my heavenly father has given us both peace about this and we know its all going to be ok.
So all the stigma about kids with ADHD and medication and blah blah can shove it. Cause my boy is going to show the world what ANYONE can do if the believe.