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Monday, November 14, 2016

Fasting and prayer 2016 day 1

At church Sunday our pastor challenged us all to a fast and prayer. As soon as he said it. I knew that fb was exactly what i needed to fast. No questions. Brian struggled with it. As everything he could fast. He seemed to not want to give up.
I am not even sure he finally decided what to fast.
As for myself I, well Hadley, deleted my fb applicatioon my phone. It has been a struggle. I keep going to check it. I almost feel like I am disconnected or out of the loop. It makes me anxious. But today when i did my morming prayer session God spoke to me.
This fasting and prayer will be for me to find ways to use my gift he has giving me outside ofFB. As I read 1 Corinthians 12:8,
"To onee person he give the ability to give wise advice, to another thr gift of special knowledge.", something just clicked for me. I am not 100% on how to verbalize it. But i will be praying about how to use this. How can i please God with my gift he gave me?

Monday, August 29, 2016

Funny how one song changes everything

The other day while listening to the 90's country on Pandora the song 'is there life out there' by Reba came on. My friend that was here says "this song always gets to me and i end up crying and in i start thinking about the what ifs" as I looked at my friend I tried to imagine being in her shoes.
There are many choices that she could have made that would have made her life easier. We can all say that right? But i really found myself not able to sympathise with her. I felt empathy of course but i couldnt imagine feeling that way.
I am exactly where i wanted to be in my life. I have God, my husband and my 2 beautiful kids. We have always had a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. My husband works hard everyday while i raise our kids. There are choices i may have mad differently but i have never got emotional over the what if? Or really wondered about it.
This has got me thinking though about what else I want in life. And my mind has been running ragged about having another baby. I want to so dearly. And always have. But i know fincially it doesnt make sense with what our healthcare industry in America had become.
So now. I can sympathize with my friend as I wonder about what name we would name the new baby, Harley is a favorite, or how awesome of a big sister Hadley would be.
Logically, I know what makes sense. But my heart if fighting me. All i have ever wanted to be was a mom. Just like my momma. Stay home and raise my babies. That's what I have. So with humble and greatful heart I will keep praying and talking to my husband and God about what out future holds. Pray with me if you please!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Motherhood is so much more than what you think

I keep going to write this blog and apparently its just not righy each time as i keep not saving it on accident. That is part of motherhood I suppose.
Anyways, i read so many post daily from mothers complaining or frustrated with their kids and or the kids father when it comes to life. Being a mom has the same responsibilities and rewards and sacrifies whether you are single, married or whatever. Im not talking about dished or laundry or whatever.
As a mother it is you responsibilty to raise and love and dicipline your children.
Being a mother meanns waking up at 6 to get the kids ready for school even though you were up til 2 am with a baby with a upset tummy.
Being a mother means dicplining your child for things that make you laugh.
Being a mother means getting ugly stares as your child rolls on the ground in tantrum mode. But you want to prove a point.
Being a mother means laying a blanket over pee as your child never even woke from slumbet as they peed on you.
Being a mother means cleaning up vomit at 3 am while trying to hold the bucked to prevent more vomit covered carpet or blankets or clothes or well anything really.
Being a mother means wrangling a what feels like a 8 legged octopus to take a bath and wash it's hair.
Being a mother is repeating phrases like "please dont eat that"  or "stop licking that"
Being a mother is parent teacher conferences. Sometimes simply explaining your child pulled his pants down and peed on the playground.
Being a mother is learning to let them grow and learn on their own.
Being a mother means finally giving up and hoping the dog food that the baby ate had some nutritional value, While you clean the mess up.
Being a mother means sometimes hearing "i hate you" or "you are a mean mommy" or my favorite "i wish you had a penis and were my second daddy and not my mommy" yup heard that one.
Being a mother means staying up with a crying baby, toddler or child.
Being a mother is walking through target with princess Elsa or batman.
Being a mother means you get to see smiles and giggles and laughs.
Being a mother means you get hugs and kisses and i love yous.
Being a mother is making mistakes.
Being a mothet means you become a mombie. And im not convienced that ever goes away. There isnt enough coffee.
My point is being a mother means being there for your kids. When they need you. Though the good the bad and the ugly. There is nothing that will bring back these days. They will grow up they will become adults. And there is nothing that can be done.
So whether you have a husband or are single or have a good father for your children, remeber we are all in this together. Being a mother is hard. It is stressful and you will mess up. Probably horribly. But just be there. Be there for your kids. Support them, dicipline them but most of all love them. Be there safe place. Be there home. Because in the end. That is what matters.
Childhood is short. Take advantage of being apart of it. Yelling and screaming and stressing over your kids wont make it easier or benefit you, as a mother or your kids.
Love them and rember that being a mother is just that being, be a mother.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

When anxiety gets the best of you

Living with a hidden illness is frustrsting and annoying. I live with anxiety and depression. It's hard, because just like visible illnesses every invisible one is different. You cant put yourself in their shoes, even if you also suffer some the same thing.
Today I had my first outburst since being medicated. Before I talk about what happened let me give you some back story. We are currently living at my moms
We sold our house and are waiting for the new one to be built. Living here also is my sister amd her kids. So that's 5 adults, 4 kids, 3 dogs and 4 cats.
Also, as most of you know Hayden had ADHD tendencies, along with his hearing complications, anxiety and his dysgraphia. Today pediatrician gave us a refereal for a specialist to get him more help with learning to manage it all.
As you can imagine that's hard. Hard to deal with, hard to imagine your son feeling even some of how you feel.
Well back to my episode, I walked into my moms and the first thing I hear is within the 5 min it took me to get inside my son had gotten in trouble for yelling after being told to be quite. I lost it. I raised my voice about how he has hearing issues and they know that. and then somwone called him a brat, which so happens to be a trigger word with my when used with Hayden (i know it is harmless, but my anxiety doesnt let me see it that way. i know getting upset about it is silly but that doesnt change my emotions. )
I started to get mad. I probably said alot i dont even remember. But he is my boy and he said he didnt hear "stop being loud and be quit" he heard " stop being quit and be loud". As one adult left she said "amiee needs to face the facts about hayden"
While true, that ia kinda what started it. As I know talking to my son may reveal more about what happened.
It is hard to tell if he is being dramatic and milking or legit. But after choice words with the adults present I sat and talked to Hayden. I explained how "be loud" wasnt logical. and he needs to think before he acts and how i know he knows better.
Then I tried to apologize. That went down hill quickly as i tried to explain why I reacted poorly. Not that it justifies it at all. but let's say apology was not recieved and I was that my son is the way he is because of me. Well as much as that sentence hurt I know its true,
anxiety is genetic.
I have learned a few things about today. apparently I cant leave my kids alone with some people I thought I could, because I dont trust them with diciplining my children. Also it seems somw think i am too open ms honest with my kids. Both things I need to think about.
I know my actions may not make sense but they did/do to me. Even just looking back I could agree I over reacted. My feelings are still there and real.