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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Homeschooling 2nd grade

My son has never had it easy when it comes to school. He loves learning and is very adventurous but school there always seems to be an issue.
In October of 2014 Hayden's teacher called me and informed me that she was on the track to recomend him being held back. You see accordingly to her he was to immature for the first grade. And being a summer baby was the reasoning.
So while on the phone at 8 pm with my son's teacher I'm Hearing that she is writting him off.
The rest of the year was nothing but emails between the councillor and the principle and his teacher. I begged for occupational therapy. As a mother i noticed at home he was having writting issues, amoung other fine motor skill issues.
At school it was everything from talking and playing pranks(yes he is a 6 year old boy) to not finishing work to writting love notes. I talked to him regularly. He always said the timed work stressed him out. He didnt write fast enougn and he got in trouble for not finishing or got in trouble for not doing it. He knew rhe material. He can spell and reads on level. Writting is just too much.
As a mother this was enough. Never mind them taking away his hot lunch and giving the lactose intolerant child a cheese sandwhich. And nevermind he had lunch money the teacher didn't turn it in. We decided to homeschool. He wanted to make a field trip in May but the next week i withdrew him. Done over it. The school system and his teacher failed him.
We have bee homeschooling for almost 2 months. I have come to the conclusion he may have dysgraphia. His writting is still very poor, he cant seem to gripe a pencil well and it takes an hr to get 10 words written 3 times. And thats not from lack of him doing it. He is trying and crying.
We have started small exercises and i have bought a pencil kit that is suppose to help and we have backed off most writting. Doing more verbal and typing. He is thriving and learning so much. Even sleeping better and not as anxious or nervous or dare i say it .... Hyper.
Homeschooling has been hard but it has been worth it. Im looking forward to the rest of the journey.

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