My day starts typically at 5 am when the husband annoyingly wake me up Just to wake me up. If I fall back asleep my day starts at 630 am. That's when the first kid gets dropped off. Usually I make coffee and we sit on the couch and cuddle. Then 730 that's when my second lil one gets dropped off most days. Also the same time my kids wake up.I go through house and turn on scentsy then I aide with getting dressed and making beds and teeth brushing and making sure the dog gets let out and the animals get feed. Then at 8 that's time to take bug to school. I rearrange the carseats as needed then load them up. We leave about 810/815. Drop Hayden off then back hone by 830. That's diaper change and clothing change for all the littles. Then at 9 breakfast while watching Disney junior. I clean kitchen while they play on the floor. Opps gotta start laundry! If time before sleepy time we go outside! At about 930/10 is first nap for littles. We pick up toys in livingroom and change diapers. Brenen gets here about 1030, the big kids have a snack and hang out either outside ot in back of the house. Time to Switch over laundry! Nap ends about 11. Diaper change! And then it is time for art! We paint, color, playdough and more! Then at about 12 it is clean up. Yay. I send the older kids to go clean the back of the house while I cook lunch. Then it is lunch about 1230. 1 is nap time. Then it is time to clean up the living room and I get everyone's spots ready while they eat. When they are done eating it is again diaper change and bottled and sippy cups filled and everyone laid down. I vacuum real quick then clean the kitchen. And sweap up the excess food and playdough. Nap last till about 3. During that time I fold the clothes and put up. Usually 2 loads. Then I make sure the kids rooms are cleaned and i lysol everything. Yes I do watch my show's while folding laundry. Aftwr nap it is diaper change and shoes on to load up the car to get hayden. 330 we go gwt hayden! Then home about 350. Then it is snack time. After snack the big kids go outside with the door ope. While I clean kitchen. About 4 the two babies get picked up. At this point we are all usually outside or headed that way. At 5 we are now going on a walk. It last about 30 min then at 530/540 I start dinner. I clean as I go. To avoid too much at the end. Hayden now sets the table for me. I unload the dish washer if need be. Dinner is done at about 6. We eat family style at the table. Hayden anf hadley take turns saying grace Daddy usually comes home at about 615 and joins us. Dinner is done about 645. Mommy loads dishwasher and cleans pota and pans and wipes countera and tables. While the kids do their chores, including clean rooms vacuum, feed cats, ckean living room and about 7/710 then I'm done with kitchen and it is time for baths. They take a bath and brush 730 is tuck in beds! Jammies, potty, book and prayers! While every one is laying down including daddy I go behind thw kids and make surw house was cleaned. I wipe down toliets and sweep and clean litter box and turn off scentsy! Then at about 9 when all is done I shower. Sometimes I'm lucky and I get to take a BATH at 8! Then it is time for bed. I lay down and pass out at about 10/1030 and start my day again. Currently any chance i get to sit i am pumping breast milk gor a newborn baby ♥Love every min of it ♥
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