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Saturday, February 26, 2011

hadley 2/16/2011

So at 1030 pm on February 15 my water broke. The labor and delivery unit was full and since a was a c-section I stayed in the triage unit. At least it was a private room with a TV cause I wasn't sleeping on the stretcher bed. Hayden and I had been awake since 10:00 am and Brian since 5. Hayden was full of energy and excited to see his sister!
They did the test for amniotic fluid and it was negative. She sis it again about 5 min minuets later she did it again and it was positive. So time to get things started!
Around 1 am February 16 GG and Aunt Sara showed up to the hospital. Brian tried to sleep with Hayden in GG truck but no luck. I tried to sleep in my room but between the uncomfortable bed and visitors that didn't happen. Doctor REeves (my doc) was on call and he decided to do the C-section at 530 am! seemed forever away at 1 am.Soon Aunt Jessi, uncle Tim, Aunt Holly, Brooke and Gram-pa Russel and PawPaw were there.
Finally at 5 am they started prep for surgery. I had not had anything to drink and I was started to get nervous. Brian even tried to sneak me a drink via his hands (ew) and a paper towel (still ew). they got the IV in and gave Brian his scrubs. this all seemed so surreal and going by way to fast.
And now we were off the the surgery room. Had to be poked 2 times for the epidural to work. and no it didnt hurt. My left leg was numb by the time he said my legs would start going numb. Now its time to lay down and for Brian to join us. Let's begin!
First we hear "we have a ear.... and an umbilical around the neck" I then hold my breath and then at 5:54 I hear that AMAZING little lamb cry. Therefore I now cried. soon the nurse walked past me and showed me my beautiful little girl. she looked just like her brother.
I remember just crying as I heard her scream. that cry coming from her meant so much. then I got to see my little glowworm swaddled up and no longer crying. she was a healthy 6 lbs 6 oz and 18 inch long. 10 fingers and 10 toes. And NO bubbles coming from her mouth. her lungs were perfect, no repeat of what happened with Hayden. I got to hold her and nurse heronly a few short minuets later
We were only in the hospital for 2 more days and got to come home. It was great to be home with my beautiful babies and husband.
Things are going great so far. we are experincing a little bump with Hadley's heath and i will post the story later.
brother holding sissy and fixing her paci

my beauty

I LOVE feet!

5 min old!

daddy staring

mommy and baby! <3

first time to see his sissy!

my first time to see her!

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